Brand Names & Logo Ideas
Our group have decided to create a publication that can be left in places, such as the gym or even in a hairdresser's to encourage the public to walk 10,000 steps a day in an easy and fun way.
We have decided to create something in a modernist theme, so that it stands out from all other exercise leaflets, as this will make the viewer want to read the document, due to the aesthetics being pleasing to the eye.
We have also considered creating a website or twitter page that you can go onto to learn more about what you can do to get fit and healthy, and were thinking about possible kit boxes that we could send out to readers who want to take part in the 10,000 steps a day regime. This could also include a free Graze box voucher, that the reader could receive from following our group on twitter?
Walk The Walk
Hit The Road
Take Haste
Top Form
We decided to go with something fun and friendly, for example "hit the road", "take haste" or "walk the walk". We're not quite sure which one to go with completely yet, but will decide this on Monday as a group.
I really like this logo idea if we were to use the name Walk The Walk. I like how the word 'the' is turned sideways in-between the two walks. I also think that this kind of logo would work on various types of packaging and products, for example it would work really well when written on a wristband or headband, as it isn't overly complicated.
I had a bit of a play around with this idea of a logo on illustrator to see what it would look like once computer generated and using a real typeface. I decided to use a font I found on called Coolvetica, because I really liked the terminals on the lowercase t. I think this logo could be a possibility, however it is quite plain and boring. I really like this colour scheme though.
Going along the same idea as previously, I thought that it would make the logo more interesting if we were to add a character walking. This way it's an image and type based logo, rather than just sticking to a typographic logo. It also helps to put the point across that we are a walking organisation.
I think this improves the initial idea, however the walking man will definitely need a lot of work until he is perfect and looks as though he is actually walking, rather than looking like he is standing weirdly and pointing somewhere.
I think that this font could potentially work as a logo, however it looks a bit like a logo for an aeroplane, due to the lines on the right hand side. I was initially trying to achieve a sense of urgency and movement by adding some lines to make it look as though the words are shooting across the page.
I am still rather uncertain about this logo idea, as it looks a bit too corporal and not very earthly or at one with nature. I also don't feel as though this idea represents the brand's identity at all, and definitely looks like something that might be used for a postal service.
I don't really like this idea, as it doesn't really convey the organisation, and looks a bit jumbled and weird. It might possibly look better when computer generated, however..
I think that this logo idea looks a lot better when produced on the computer, however it looks a bit more industrial, because of the walking man that you would usually see on building site signs. I quite like the way the words 'hit' and 'the' can join together by the letter t, and think that this is a clever idea that could work well in other logo designs.
I think that this kind of logo could possibly work, however I don't really like the name "Take Haste", as it reminds me of Hastings Direct, and also sounds a bit Shakespearian.
I had a bit of a play around with creating a digital version of the logo idea, however it was really hard to find a font that worked with the shape of the walking man's legs. I needed to find a querky font with a odd shaped A so that the legs looked similar to the original typeface. This was about as close as I could get. I think it kind of works as a logo, but something about it looks cheap and tacky.
I really like this idea for a logo, as it would be unique yet it still represents our brand identity. I think an oblique font would work well as italics show movement, and when produced on illustrator, this logo idea could have quite a lot of potential.
I really love this logo design and think it could work extremely well for our brand identity. I think helvetica ultra bold oblique is a really clean font that is straight to the point and helps to bring the idea of fast movement across to the viewer. I also love the idea of pulling the tittle out from the i and extending it round into the shoe design. I also think that this logo design would work well in one colour using several opacities of said colour to keep the detail.
For example, when using this dark blue-green:
You can produce a logo design similar to this...
I think this logo has a lot of potential, and is my favourite idea that I have produced so far.
Sam designed the final logo which we used for our group:
After a long discussion, we decided to change our idea, yet again and produce a publication, similar to Paul Arden's book "Whatever You Think, Think The Opposite".
We really liked the general layout of this book, especially the single page spreads consisting of type alone. We have decided to create a motivational publication, working with a similar layout. Each double page spread will consist of one motivational quote about exercise on one page, then an info-graphic or image on the other side that represents each quote.
We have also decided to work on the publication as a group, so will need to gather all of the quotes together and create a layout template for everyone to use in order to create something that will be consistent in design throughout, especially as each group member will be working on their own pages separately to the other members.
I have been asked to decide on the paper stock and the colour scheme for the book, as the brief states that we can only use 2 colours plus stock. We have also assigned group members to choose which font(s) will be used, and how the general layout will look for the publication.
As we are quite a large group (5 members in total), we decided to assign two of the group members to create products and packaging that could help to bring the publication further, if we were to design it for the masses or for a company. These other two members of the group will also help in the layout and design of the publication, however will focus mainly on further ideas that we could take with the book.
We will still need to think of a suitable name for the publication, but for the mean time we've decided to go with either 'Walk The Walk' or 'Hit The Road'.
Chosen Colour Scheme:
I looked on again to see what other colour schemes they had uploaded. I decided to go with the following two schemes to create our scheme:
I chose these two initial schemes, as I really liked the shades of gluey-green used. I also thought that the colour black is quite an important colour to be using in the design, as it will work best for body copy against the paper stock etc. This will take up 1 out of the 2 colours that we are allowed, so the colour scheme will have to be very simple.
The colour scheme that I decided to go for is as follows:
The black (or key) colour will be used for type, the blue for accents, and the cream is a similar colour to the paper that we will choose to use.
Stroke of Genius
The pages with the quotes on could basically be designed into postcard style flyers to give out to people rather than handing out publications. This will cut down printing costs, and people are more likely to accept an inspirational flyer than a publication.
The motivational quotes should contain some humorous words to keep people engaged. On the reverse side, we could have the website and twitter urls and a logo or whatever so that the receiver can go online and view more motivational quotes, or maybe buy or receive a book.
Then we can produce a publication containing all of the postcards plus infographics. We could consider having the publication pages perforated, so that people can pull out each page and treat it like one of the handouts, maybe stick it on their wall if they feel like it.
Or even have a pocket at the back of the publication with a few screen printed postcards within, that people can have as pull outs. Maybe also make a poster to pull out that would be a larger scaled version of a postcard?
I think it will look classy and be more engaging for the reader.
Chosen Fonts
Bebas Regular
For quotes, headings and subheadings
Helvetica Regular
For body copy
Possible Layout For Pages
I decided to work on a possible layout for the quotes pages of our publication and fliers. Using the font Bebas and the colour scheme, I created 17 different quote layouts that we could use in our final piece.
Flyer Designs
As my contribution to the final pieces, I was asked to design the flyers that we'll attach to the balloons and hand out to members of the public. We want the flyers to look like the publication to hold consistency in the designs, so I decided to create 25 different quote layouts for the front of the flyers. Then on the back, I thought it would be a nice idea to have a little message to the receiver, as well as our Instagram, Twitter and Email addresses so that the receiver can get in contact with us when they find the balloon to find out more about the cause.
The front of the flyers will look like these, but with 25 different quotes:
And the back of the flyers will look like this:
The background, when printed, will be the same colour as antique white paper, rather than the stark white that it is at the moment. I think the overall look of the flyers and the publications is going to work really well and will definitely be well executed.
I've also created the Instagram for people to follow or send their pictures to. We decided that the receivers of the balloons would have to take photos of the balloon that they found or their flyers, and hashtag #hittheroadlca in the caption, as if they sent us pictures, we can't actually put them onto our own Instagram page.
We then went down to CardFactory and got some balloons blown up, so that we could send the flyers off on them at the beginning of the last week of our brief. We thought that this would give the balloons enough time to float off and eventually land, ready for someone to find the inspirational quote and respond to us. We also bought a hole-puncher that punches single holes, so that we can attach the flyers to the balloons with some ribbon, which ended up working really well. We also thought that it would be good to keep the colour scheme within the balloons themselves as well, so bought light blue and cream balloons with cream ribbon.
The Final Flyers & Balloons:
The Final Flyers & Balloons:
I am extremely happy with how this idea worked in the end. I think that the flyers looked really good when printed, and were consistent within the design scheme that we chose. I also think that the balloons helped to make them look like real products, rather than just some printed work. I loved how cute the balloons looked when we let them go, and I think that putting each flyer onto two balloons worked better than having them on single ones, as it helped to show consistency in the colour scheme for our designs (a happy accident, really). I loved this idea and I think that it worked out much better than I had expected. I also think that my group were pleasantly surprised, and it has probably encouraged them that taking risks can bring a good result to the table.
The Final Publication:
I think that our publication result was fantastic. The consistency was extraordinary, and I think the perforation idea worked really well. It's a shame that we couldn't actually print out plenty of publications to hand out to the general public, however if we were to take this brief further, I think we would make it so that you can buy a publication online for about £2 to help pay for the production costs.
The Posters:
I was pleasantly surprised by the posters, as I hadn't really seen Mel working on them so didn't know how they were going along. However, they worked really well and sticked to the theme which we chose to go by. I think they were bold and striking against the walls and next to other posters, and I definitely think that they would catch your eye when strolling around college.
The Packaging:
I think that the packaging proposal could have been worked on a bit further, as the kit that Daisy was making didn't actually have a box to go in like discussed. I also think that she could've considered packaging a few other items, to make the kit more worth while if a consumer were to purchase it online. However, what Daisy did produce looked professional and had a slight quirky feel to it that made it interesting to look at and interact with.
The Twitter:
The twitter was as unique as we could possibly make it, and seemed to have quite a good turn out in the end. It was a shame that we didn't get any responses from our balloons, but I think this would probably be due to the fact that we couldn't send out 30 like we wanted to, and only sent out 12!
The Website:
I thought the website that Vicky created was outstanding. I was really impressed by how it worked out and thought that it showed off our concept really well. I loved the scroll down buttons that followed footsteps and found it really interactive and engaging.
The Concept, Method of Delivery and Content Boards:
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