Dissecting Gill Sans.
I have decided to look into the Anatomy of Typography and how fonts and letters are designed and created. I find this area of Typography extremely interesting and thought that I would try to go down an unusual route whilst trying to convey the word dissection.
I thought of lots of ideas that didn't really work very well but work as scamps and ideas towards my final ideas.
I think some of the ideas in my scamps contributed greatly to my other ideas, where as other ideas I came up with were just forgotten about as they were pretty rubbish.
I really like the ideas of using human body parts in my letter-forms as this will make the audience think of dissection and the insides of the anatomy, but I think the body parts will need to link into the idea of dissecting the anatomy of typography, otherwise it could just look really bad.

I really like the ideas of splitting the letter-forms up into chunks. I think this could look really good if I split all the different parts of the typography anatomy so that you can see all the areas and characteristics of the typefaces.
I also find veins really interesting and think that they could make some letters look really delicate and nice to look at. Veiny type could work really well as a whole alphabet as well or maybe just as a small part of each letter.
Idea #1
1st Attempt
Attempted doing something similar to some of the sketches of the design of Gill Sans, however the end result was really bad as the circles were so badly drawn and it was all quite out of proportion.. To improve on this, I could try using a compass to make the work more precise and accurate. I think adding veins to the letters will make it look more alive and dissected.
2nd Attempt
I really quite like this end result. You can see how Gill Sans created the letters O, G and Q in a very similar way with the same precise curvature etc. I decided to make it look a bit dissected and alive by adding veins that come out of the letterforms.
I think I could make it better if my hand was a bit steadier so that the circles stayed neat when i drew over the pencil lines, however I think this idea is effective and interesting to look at.
Idea #2
1st Attempt
I thought about creating a letter which looked as though it had been dissected or cut up into pieces. I didn't want to have the letter completely cut up so you couldn't decipher it anymore, but I think this attempt didn't work as well as it could have as the cuts look a bit weird and haven't come from the edge of the letterform, which would have made it look a lot more broken up!
2nd Attempt
I quite like this result as it looks a lot more cut up than the previous attempt. However, it looks a bit more broken/shattered than dissected... I think if I had printed off and traced the letter g instead of drawing free hand then the outcome may have been a lot better!
Idea #3
I thought about different materials that I could use to draw typography onto, and what better than the human anatomy itself? I really like this idea, I'm not sure how I can document it other than photographs as I actually used a needle and indian ink to tattoo an ampersand onto my wrist as I thought the idea of tattooing onto the human body is a form of dissection that you can see and is a permanent change to the skin.
Idea #4
I decided to draw a really simple outline of a tooth, which could easily be a letter M or W if the tooth was upside down. I was going with the idea of anatomy in typography so thought of parts of the human body that could easily represent type.
Idea #5
Looking at my research, I found typefaces made out of veins really interesting and aesthetically pleasing, so decided to create something similar to the ideas in my research. I really like this idea and think that it looks really nice and is quite a clever concept as it almost looks like the actual veins inside the construction of a letter A.
Idea #6
I think this idea works well as it looks as though the letter H has been cut up, or dissected, and I think the end result works quite well. It took me a few attempts to work out how to keep the letter-form recognizable but also make sure that it looks like a 3D letter that has been cut into chunks.
Idea #7
In this idea I tried to do something similar to the idea above, but keep the letter 2 dimensional instead of 3 dimensional. I think it works, but would look better in a set of letters rather than on it's own as it's a little bit boring. I'm not sure whether it would look better completely blocked in with black or not..
Idea #8
I really like this idea because it relates to the anatomy of typography idea again, and looks really nice at the same time. I tried to make the letter A look a bit like a pair of lungs. At first the letter wasn't connected up at the top, because I wanted to make the lungs look like the letter H, however this didn't work so I thought if I connected the letter then it would look like an A, which I think works out better overall.
Idea #9
Like the idea above, I was thinking of creating a letter made out of veins and body parts. I think this letter could probably work quite well with the letter A constructed above as part of a typeface as it's quite a similar idea. I really like using veins and think they make the letters look pretty and delicate. The eyeball at the top could be improved, but I'm not sure how..
Idea #10
I really like this idea, and I think it looks really nice, however I think the serif's should be more like usual serifs rather than like little triangles. It might look better with the bottom triangle coloured in instead, as this will give a heavy feel to the bottom of the letter so you know which way up it faces.
Idea #11
I think the second attempt to the above idea is much better and works a lot more. I think an alphabet consisting of lots of letters constructed like this could look really effective, however it's not completely obvious what the letters are trying to convey, and I don't automatically think of dissection...
Idea #12
I love this letter created of veins. I think it's aesthetically pleasing and easy to read. I think it would work extremely well in a set of letters all constructed in the same way. I really like using veins as they add fragility to the letter-forms and you also think of the human body when you look at the letters. I think it represents dissection well.
Idea #13
I think this is a clever idea as the S looks like guts, which makes you think of dissection or cutting a body up and revealing the intestines. It was hard to think of a way of making the intestines actually look like intestines, but I think it works quite well. I think if I could use colour, I'd add a bit of greeny brown or pink so it looks a bit more realistic.
Idea #14
I love this idea as it looks as though the letter T has been cut in half and it's intestines are spilling out because of this. I think it works really well and conveys the words dissection. I thought instead of using blood and guts, I'd make the blood ink, as ink is used to print typography or write it down, which I thought was a different but clever idea and makes it so that the type isn't completely human. I think this idea is really effective and aesthetically pleasing to the eye.
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