OUGD503: Design Responsive - Secret 7 Competition Brief
by Roxxie Blackham on Tuesday, 14 January 2014
Creating My Mandala
I started off with drawing a mandala by hand, and then scanned this into the computer to work from in Illustrator...
I used the 'ohm' symbol to represent the karma in the song and the mandala pattern is hypnotic and often used within meditation and hypnotics, so suited the idea of a coma and the hypnotic and relaxed feel to the song..
Tracing over the image using the pen tool was quite difficult, as it needed perfecting quite a lot to make it more symmetrical!
Starting from the centre made things a lot easier, as I could work with layers upon layers to create the overall effect of the mandala..
Once the main outlines were created, I decided to pay around with colour, as it seemed a bit dull in black and white alone..
Choosing the areas to fill with certain shades of colours was difficult, as it could often look a bit weird!
I really liked the design in oranges and greens, as it looked quite traditional, however I decided to play with some different colours to see if I could create a gradient starting in the centre..
Using blues and pinks was definitely too girly! However, the gradient effect was working really well!
I played around with gradients within the background as well, but something wasn't quite working with oranges and greens!
Using a lot of pink made it too girly, yet adding more blue enhanced the pink..
I decided to try out blues and greens, to add a bit more masculinity back into the design of the artwork, so that it wasn't overly feminine.
I really loved these colours! With a soft gradient overlay, the design started to look quite hypnotic and was really relaxing.
Final Submission:
After I submitted my final design to Secret 7, I produced a mock-up of the vinyl sleeve and how it would work in context. I was pretty pleased that I produced this, as I wasn't picked for the competition, so it was nice to see how my artwork could have looked if it was printed and sold!
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