OUGD504: 15/10/13 - Design For Web Notes

by Roxxie Blackham on Wednesday 16 October 2013

Brief History On The Internet:

• Newmico - web design

• Internet is quite new - created in 1991 at CERN (nuclear research centre in Geneva, Switzerland)

• Tim Burners-Lee came up with the idea for internet; initially text based

first ever website ^^

• Steve Jobs worked at CERN and created the first web server - a NeXT computer

• 1992 - the first image was put on the internet

Useful Terminology:

• Tags - what coding is made up of

• HTTP - hyper text transfer protocol (the process of transferring code)

• URL - uniform resource locator

• HTML - hyper text markup language (the language of the coding)

• CSS - cascading style sheets (make websites look nice)

• FTP - file transfer protocol (to send a finished website to a server)

• CMS - content management system (to manage live websites, makes a website dynamic)

• Skeuomorphism - imitate something physical (eg e-books when the pages flip across the screen)

Responsive - responsive design can be adapted to a variety of media using screens of various sizes. Also called 'reactive design'. Designed by Ethan Marcotte.

Massimo Vignelli - all websites are made from grids designed by Vignelli.

Good Books & Websites

"HTML & CSS: Design & Build Websites" by John Duckett
"Scratching The Surface" by Adrian Shaughnessy - talks about skeuomorphism


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