OUGD504: 15/10/13 - Studio Workshop

by Roxxie Blackham on Tuesday 15 October 2013

In groups you will create a concept for either a new / fictional bar, restaurant or hotel in Leeds.

You will select 3 words from Jar 1 and one word from Jar 2. Then you will decide on which word to work from in Jar 1.

You will present your ideas tomorrow at 11am.

Think about:
- Client's needs
- Who is your audience?
- What is it's purpose?
- Potential / current customers, volunteers, students?

Push your concepts as far as you possibly can!


Our 3 words: match, cloud, staple
Out 1 word: hotel

After brain-storming, we decided that our ideas for 'cloud' were most relevant to the concept of branding a fictional hotel.

After deciding on the topic, we considered the target audience:

We decided that more mature, wealthy and successful business personnel will be our target audience for the hotel.

We then thought about our clients' needs:

After all this thought, we decided to consider our brand...

Colour: white, greys, black, crystal / ice blue - PANTONE 877 M (silver).
We chose to play on the idea of the silver lining, so thought that everything will have a silver touch.

Layout: modernist, simple, formal / corporate, understandable.

Name: silver lining, shade, cloud 9, atmosphere, ozone, stratus.

Staff: plain / white shirt with silver lining on collar and wrist cuffs. Silver logo on shirts. Light grey trousers. Black smart and sensible shoes. The order of hierarchy in staff could potentially change what you wear, for example the manager could wear a full on white tuxedo.


Our Concept:
Hotel (bar & restaurant)
Name: stratus (playing on names of clouds. Best sounding cloud name. Thought about cirrus, the highest cloud, but it sounds too much like siri)

Target Client: mature, more wealthy, successful, business minded professionals

Hotel Persona: comfort, quality, luxury, security, relaxation, elegance

Aesthetic Of Brand: colours, layout theme, uniforms, swimming pools in shapes of clouds, floating beds, logos, etc


Initial ideas for logo ^

Final Logo Idea

I think the capital S would need reworking so that it's neater, but it's just an idea.
The S would then be used as an icon, printed onto towels and receipts etc.

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