OUGD504: 05/11/13 - Peer Review on Design For Print

by Roxxie Blackham on Wednesday, 6 November 2013

We had a peer review for a few hours to give each other feedback on our current ideas for Design For Print.

After my quick presentation on my concept, a few people gave me some verbal feedback and then I also received some written feedback from each person in the group.

The verbal feedback was as follows:
- Could you create a circular shaped box with a window so that you can see the design inside?
- Velcro could stick the slices of pie down, and kids like velcro
- The slices of pie could be like appetisers of what you can do with printing, and then have extra info underneath - possibly more durable booklets for kids to hold and use
- Remember that kids like to wreck things! Make it durable!
- Include a pack of useful things for printing e.g. rollers, lino, cutters etc.
- Focus your target audience on the children more than the parents, as parents will see that the booklets are children friendly and will be more tempted to buy them

The written feedback was as follows:
- Concept is relevant to audience
- Fun and light hearted
- Pie box for packaging?
- Maybe go and see laser cut or wood work
- Could be useful to go to a toy / craft shop - see what else is out there?
- Good audience - different to others
- Would these processes be costly? Would they be able to afford it?
- Items around the house could be used to bring down cost, e.g. rolling pin instead of print roller
- Consider what they'd fold into?
- Is it aimed at mums or children?
- Velcro to hold the pie down
- Why a pie?
- Really strong concept, I think this is something mums and children could engage with
- Look at pie packaging
- What will the tone of voice be? Will it be suitable for both children and adults?
- Secure audience
- Like the packaging idea and the fact it would come with it's own components maybe?
- Would the packaging appeal more to kids rather than adults - its the concept and intention behind it that will win the adults round
- Could stack the slices up like a slice of pie, rather than in a circle?
- Easy as P.I.Y - as it is aimed at people with their children, make sure you emphasise the ease of the processes, as I can imagine parents wondering if it would be a stressful activity
- Where would you purchase  / get this info pack from?
- Very specific target audience - will they use it? Why middle class?
- Will it be specifically aimed at mums? Dads are becoming stay-at-home parents. Do they all have young children?
- Where will it be sold?
- How many processes would be appropriate for children?
- Really like the concept

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