I sent my edited photos over to James, as he was going to work on making them a set of final posters ready for submission..
The first lot of posters he sent me were as follows:
I loved what James had produced, as he managed to edit the photos down to the detail of removing the glue so that they weren't so shiny and much more legible and aesthetically pleasing.
However, I had a few changes for him, as a few things weren't quite working!
- The White Musk poster seems a bit empty, can you add text to it to fill the space?
- The 'Colour Crush Lipstick' text looks a bit awkwardly placed and different to the rest of the posters, have you tried right aligning the text so it aligns with the right hand side of the body shop logo?
- Could you try adding 'perfume' to 'white musk' to make 'white musk perfume'?
- Try adding a 6pt leading or so to the body copy of white musk, to add the illusion of extra words?
James then sent me the reworked posters:
First of all he made the words 'white musk' bigger, and the words 'colour crush lipstick' smaller, but I still felt as though these looked a bit strange.
I preferred the logos when they were white, but the white musk poster still looked a bit out of place..
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