Our word: Dredging
The concept: To take away the "bad name" that surrounds the idea of dreading in the seas and river beds, and enthuse an eco-friendly and sustainable notion.
The Logo:
We all had a go at producing logos. We chose to use Gill Sans in Regular and Light, and an aqua colour. This is what I produced..
A lot of my logo ideas seemed a bit too corporal and not friendly enough, although the other group members really enjoyed the tones of colour that I used.
Sam came up with the final logo idea, which we helped her tweak to make it look right..
We produced the tear drop in a way that made it look like a jewel, which made the idea of dredging seem a lot more glamorous and wanted, rather than something that destroys the natural habitats.
After Sam had finished the logo, I went on to create the Home Page and About Page for our website...
We wanted the website to look professional, yet approachable. We also wanted to make sure that dredging didn't look so destructive, hence why I chose the particular images of dredging boats and made them monotone so that they looked "pretty".
I also produced some mock-ups to see how these two web pages would look on an iMac...
I also produced the powerpoint for the presentation tomorrow...
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