I made a few changes after my crit, but most of the feedback that I received was positive or towards the packaging side of the book, so I didn't really have to change much!
I tried out justification with the text, but I felt as though this looked really strange and a bit like a magazine, rather than a contextual book..
I didn't really like the feel that this had, especially when it made certain lines of text read longer than they should read as they gained lots of spaces within the text, so I kept the book left aligned.
The other changes that I made were to do with alignment of text with images, title pages within grid structures, and adding a bit of text on the last page of the book.
The final publication in PDF format can be viewed here:
(The pages are scattered, as this means that they print in the correct order)
I'm still unsure about how I'm going to bind the book, as I don't want to take away from the aesthetics.. There aren't really any Russian styles of binding either!!
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