After the crit, I decided to produce my packaging inspired by the "Beat The Whites With The Red Wedge" poster by El Lissitzky. I thought that this was a really suitable and effective way of packaging the design, as the poster was created during the Russian Revolution, causing a big change in designs and art of the era.
Trial 1
The first attempt at producing the packaging didn't really work very well, measurements were guessed just so that I could see how it would work as a piece of packaging. I also noticed that it needed some sort of bottom to the box, so that the book could sit in there, rather than acting like a belly band..
Trial 2
With the second attempt, I added the extra flaps to create more of a box to the packaging. The measurements still need to be calculated correctly so that it works effectively, but this definitely worked a lot better!
Trial 3
I produced a net on the computer, so that everything was exact and added the triangle and circle, to see how it looks aesthetically. I noticed that measurements were slightly wrong, as the book didn't sit inside the box and the box was too small! I also wanted the circle to be a bit more obvious.
The final packaging works a lot better, as the measurements are a lot more precise and the book fits inside nicely. I'm not really sure how I could make it sturdier, as it still seems a bit flimsy, but I couldn't really use cardboard in the printer, so it will have to do! I think that the circle messed up a bit, but this is something that was hard to control, as the circle cutter kept slipping across the page.
I quite like this form of packaging, as it's simple yet elegant. I didn't really want to create something overly complicated, as it will take away from the structure and design of the book itself. I think that using the "Beat The Whites With The Red Wedge" idea is really significant, and almost suggests that once you've beaten the white palace, and you open the box, it reveals all of the secrets of the designs from the era and the 'beauty' of them.
Final Publication
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