We wanted to produce something with high impact, as well as relating to the other product posters that we created so that they interlink with one another and become a set of posters.
We weren't keen on quilling the campaign poster, as it might not seem as serious of an issue if we added girly quilled curls of paper to the design.
I created a brusho ink background, like in the product posters, but using the colours of the rainbow for homosexuality.
I then played around with a few ideas to see how it could work as a poster.
The information I found through hours of research into criminalisation of homosexuals helped to create a body of facts for the poster.
I also came up with the slogan:
Love should not be illegal. Decriminalise homosexuality.
I decided that the posters should have a similar layout to our product posters, for continuity. The only problem is, without the quilling, it seems a little bit dull..
I played on the idea of covering up the facts by making them lighter than the slogan, but this still wasn't really working..
I think that adding a white overlay to the background helps to make the text stand out.
I also thought about crossing out the criminalising words about homosexuality to help signify the point of the campaign, but it might be too much..
I think the idea of crossing out words works a lot better when it's concentrated on particular words within the poster. I like the idea of having the cross out slightly transparent, as it allows you to read what was in the sentence, and also implies the idea that this is still going on in these countries even though we're trying to hide it.
I sent James all of the poster ideas that I had come up with so far, and asked him what he thought worked best. He said that he preferred the very last poster that I produced. He said that it worked well with the product posters, but said I should remove the full stops after Nigeria and Iran so that it flows as a whole sentence.
So I removed the full stops and this is how it looked..
I thought that the cross-overs over the words were a bit uneven and needed fixing, so I made a few tweaks..
I also played with adding boxes to the slogan text..
I preferred the design on the right, but I wasn't really sure if that was too much or not!
James thought it was too much and that the poster didn't need it.
I then thought that the posters might not read so well, so I changed the sentence arrangements..
James preferred the last arrangement that I produced. He said it was easier to read and the line underneath 'decriminalise homosexuality' was a lot more subtle.
After showing a few other people, I came to the conclusion that black type would work better than red for the slogan, as it will read more fluently.
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