OUGD503: Peer Review Feedback

by Roxxie Blackham on Thursday 27 February 2014

First of all we pitched our ideas to 2 other groups so that everyone knew exactly what we were doing. Once each group had pitched, we were given someone else's brief to work on and answer questions to...

Our feedback was as follows:

Comment on the effectiveness of the concept. Does it address the problems identified in the brief?
Strengths & Weaknesses

Taken the idea to a 3D stage, colours work very well. It's creative and detailed. Hand craft element could take a long time!


Use the pins as a support for the thread and shape the letter out of thread by using the pins as hooks. For the "drops of youth" you could fill an pipette with different colours.

Comment on the design direction and decisions made regarding the production and distribution of the response.

Design direction fits the brief, taking it to 3D. It's creative and interesting and gives people something to look at and admire. The only problem is creating 4 A2 posters like this could take a long time!


Experiment with more physical materials, i.e.: bruscho granules, for the great idea about 3D type on your posters.

Comment on what you would do differently and why?

For the campaign you could potentially do something about:
- fight for democracy (as it is a major social change)
- promote freedom of speech

Look at design suggestions on A4 sheets

Social media competition
- #colourcrush #bodybutter
- your chance to win a sample of each 4 things you're promoting by hash tagging a good deed for the day

If money and time were no object, how far would you take the brief based on what has been presented?

LCD screens that can change colours on the screen
Big 3D letters made of a good material, i.e. coloured ceramic for the swirls that you have made
Plane in the sky to write "crazy sexy crush" with the colours you have already
Have the "colour palette" get dropped from a helicopter so that it falls down from the sky

What contextual references can you suggest that will be relevant to the proposal?

Typography books
"typography in the real world" - search this in google and try and find type that was impactful and memorable

Action Plan
- background experiments - Friday 28th Feb
- final poster layouts
- final quilling
- ask photography about smoke
- campaign design variations
- external channel ideas

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